With iPROTECT protection in place, we will assist you with the following fraud prevention steps when your ID has been stolen, and we will advocate on your behalf where needed. Without iPROTECT, you will need to do these steps completely on your own. 

Please click on item below to view details on each topic:

Mailing & Email Mailing ListsRegarding Your Smartphone:Regarding Your Wallet:Regarding Your Computer:Regarding Your Checks:Regarding Your Children:

  • Remove your name from mail and e-mail marketing lists. For mail, call the vendor and request your name be removed. For e-mail, there should be an unsubscribe option in the fine print of the e-mail, else contact the vendor directly.
  • Opt-out of pre-approved credit offers. Don't just shred them after they come in. Call the company and have your name removed. 
  • Call your credit card companies and request they omit your name and account from any information sharing with partners and affiliates.


  • Turn off your GPS when not using the navigation. When sites ask to allow sharing your location, do not allow.
  • Install security software on your phone. Choose an accredited program that provides auto-backup of data, and will provide to lock your phone and can wipe the data clean remotely if lost or stolen.
  • Be careful when downloading apps. Not all apps on the store are safe. Read user reviews and research the application
  • Stay off public Wi-Fi. This is the most common way for malicious hackers to get access to information on your phone.
  • Utilize the lock and password functions on your phone.



  • Photocopy the contents of your wallet including both sides of licenses, credit cards, etc. If you lose your wallet, you will know account numbers and phone numbers to call and cancel.
  • Keep the photocopy in a secure location.
  • Carry a copy of your passport with you when you travel, domestic or abroad. The copy will be extremely useful if you lose your passport or ID.
  • Keep your card account numbers and toll-free numbers handy so you can cancel them as quickly as possible. The photocopies you make might be at home

  • Keep your computer's anti-virus software current and assure it is always running.
  • Assure that your computer's firewall is updated and active at all times.
  • Use secure passwords and change them four times per year.  Secure pass-words should include alpha and numeric digits, upper and lower case,  a special character, and be at least eight digits long. 

  • Never write a credit card account number on the check. Use the last four digits only if you need to make this kind of reference.
  • If you have a P.O. Box number, use that instead of your street address on the check.
  • Never print or write your social security number or your driver's license ID number on the check unless absolutely required by the vendor and only if it makes sense for them to ask.

  • Watch for junk mail in your child’s name. Pre-approved credit card or financial offers indicate they could have an active credit file. If these occur, check the credit history of your child even if you know they do not have a credit history. Someone may have stolen their social security number with full knowledge it could be years before anyone accesses credit information. Identity thieves know the likelihood of getting caught is lower in these situations. With no credit history to contradict their information, ID thieves can use any name and any birthdate with your child's unused social security number.
  • Assure that your children understand the importance of keeping their data private. They should not share addresses, phone numbers or ID numbers of any type on social networking sites.
  • Monitor your child's identity as you would your own. 


If you lose your wallet, credit cards, or identification, or you suspect foul play:

File a police report immediately in the jurisdiction where your cards/ID were stolen. This proves your diligence to creditors.

Call the three national credit reporting bureaus immediately to place a fraud alert on your name and call the Social Security fraud line. Any company that checks your credit will know your information was stolen. They will have to contact you directly to authorize new credit.


iPROTECT Privacy Advocates will assist customers with cancellation and replacement of your ID cards, credit and debit cards, library cards ... You name the card! Customers can register all of their cards using the WalletArmor tool after logging in to their account. Once registered, all you need to do is call Member Services if you lose any of your cards. They will take over from there!