What are you doing today to ensure
your identity information is safe?

What will you do if you become
an identity theft victim?

Complete Identity

iPROTECT does much more than monitor credit or simply protect your credit card accounts. iPROTECT guards your entire identity, iPROTECT will facilitate the repair of damage done by fraudsters and thieves if identity theft occurs. iPROTECT guards your entire identity, and will also facilitate the entire damage restoration process if a breach by fraudsters and thieves should occur.

Surveillance & Identity Repair - Key to iPROTECT protection!


    We're searching around-the-clock for potential threats to your identity


    If we find something suspicious, our team works relentlessly to combat potential threats

If you are a tax office and want to become an iPROTECT Affiliate, call us at 844-977-6832 or call your tax program sales organization. They may be an iPROTECT company with Affiliate information for you.